Information about Eden


Information for bands playing the work as a test piece
Some minor errors have been identified in the published score. A list of corrections can be found here

Percussion requirements and photographs
4 Pedal Timpani
large Cowbell (mounted on a rack and struck with a hard beater);
large Cymbal, inverted and placed on drumhead at bb.187-193

Percussion 1:
Suspended Cymbal
Large Ratchet
Anvil or metal block (bright and very resonant)
Side drum
Tubular Bells
Tam-tam (shared with Percussion 2)

Percussion 2:
Tam-tam – at least 36” diameter (shared with Percussion 1)
Bass drum (placed flat, so that a small, loosely tied, metal chain can be placed on the drumhead and vibrate without being dislodged when the drum is struck)
4 Tom-toms
Suspended Cymbal
Anvil (shared with Percussion 1)
Bells (shared with Percussion 1)

Bands competing in the Final of the 2005 Besson National Brass Band Championship should note that this will be the percussion layout for the final at the Royal Albert Hall on October 15.