Outstanding review for Toccata Classics chamber music CD

The October 2012 edition of the highly respected ‘International Record Review’ includes an outstanding review of the new Toccata Classics disc of six of John Pickard’s chamber works. Describing the disc as ‘an absorbing portrayal of an idiom in constant and unpredictable evolution’, it concludes that ‘his music has a substance and durability which make… Continue reading Outstanding review for Toccata Classics chamber music CD

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New Pickard Chamber Disc

A new disc of six of John Pickard’s chamber works is out now and available to buy on the Toccata Classics label. Performed by Rupert Marshall-Luck (violin/viola), Sophie Harris (cello), Ian Mitchell (bass-clarinet) and Matthew Rickard (piano), the album spans some twenty years of composing, from 1990 to 2010. Read John’s own notes on the… Continue reading New Pickard Chamber Disc

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